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Working to improve
the lives of the residents of the province of Lleida

2023 Inhabitants
in the province
from Lleida
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Source: INE 2023


Our success is measured by the impact we generate in the rural and urban areas of the province of Lleida.

Whether in the training of tractor drivers for young people who live in sheltered flats or the support for social entities that work for vulnerable groups in Lleida; Raimat Lleida Community Foundation works supporting solutions that allow members of our community to lead equitable, financially secure and fulfilling lives.

​More information about the impact.

Our Community Strategy team understands that to create a territory with equitable access to opportunities for all its members, we must work collaboratively.

Our team brings together community and not-for-profit organisations, local and central governments, funders, businesses, individuals and families to address the biggest issues in our community. We lead, support, facilitate and listen, directing investments to where they are needed most.


​More information about the Commissions.

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